Advanced Computer Networks (CS740)@UW-Madison
Network Architecture
D. Clark, The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols, In Proc. of ACM SIGCOMM'88.
J. Saltzer, D. Reed, and D. Clark, End-to-end Arguments in System Design, ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 195-206, 1984.
M. Handley, Why the Internet only just works.
End-host: Congestion Control
V. Jacobson and M. Karels, Congestion Avoidance and Control, ACM SIGCOMM 1988.
Nandita Dukkipati, Nick McKeown, Why Flow-Completion Time is the Right metric for Congestion Control and why this means we need new algorithms, Stanford Tech Report.
Langley et al, The QUIC Transport Protocol: Design and Internet-Scale Deployment, ACM SIGCOMM 2017.
M. Alizadeh, A. Greenberg, D. Maltz, J. Padhye, P. Patel, B. Prabhakar, S. Sengupta, M. Sridharan, Data Center TCP (DCTCP), ACM SIGCOMM 2010.
Damon Wischik, Costin Raiciu, Adam Greenhalgh, Mark Handley, Design, implementation and evaluation of congestion control for multipath TCP, NSDI 2011.
Inter-domain Routing
C. Labovitz, R. Malan and F. Jahanian, Internet Routing Instability, IEEE Transactions on Networking, 1998.
John, Katz-Bassett, Krishnamurthy and Anderson, Consensus Routing: The Internet as a Distributed System, NSDI, 2008.
Yap et. al, Taking the Edge off with Espresso: Scale, Reliability and Programmability for Global Internet Peering, SIGCOMM 2017.
Lychev, Golberg and Schapira, BGP Security in Partial Deploymentg, SIGCOMM 2013.
Programmable Networks and Software Defined Networking
Nick McKeown et al, OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks, ACM CCR 2009. Also see Scott Shenker's talk at ONS 2011.
T. Koponen, M. Casado, N. Gude, J. Stribling, L. Poutievski, M. Zhu, R. Ramanathan, Y. Iwata, H. Inoue, T. Hama, S. Shenker, Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Networks, OSDI 2010.
Pat Bossart et al, Forwarding Metamorphosis: Fast Programmable Match-Action Processing in Hardware for SDN, ACM SIGCOMM 2011.
S. Jain et al, B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN, SIGCOMM 2013.
A. Sivaraman et al, Programmable Packet Scheduling at Line Rate, ACM SIGCOMM 2016.
Miao et al, SilkRoad: Making Stateful Layer-4 Load Balancing Fast and Cheap Using Switching ASICs, ACM SIGCOMM 2017.
Pat Bossart et al, P4: Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors, SIGCOMM CCR 2014.
C. Monsanto et al, Composing Software Defined Networks, NSDI 2013.
Network Functions and Virtualization
M. Dalton et al, Andromeda: Performance, Isolation, and Velocity at Scale in Cloud Network Virtualization , NSDI 2018.
T. Koponen et al, Network Virtualization in Multi-tenant Datacenters , NSDI 2014.
S. Palkar et al, E2: A Framework for NFV Applications, SOSP 2015.
A. Gember-Jacobson et al, Enabling innovation in network function control, SIGCOMM 2014.
S. Fayazbaksh et al, Enforcing Network-Wide Policies in the Presence of Dynamic Middlebox Actions using FlowTags, SIGCOMM 2014.
Application Support
P. Mockapetris and K. Dunlap, Development of the Domain Name System, ACM SIGCOMM 1988.
David Andersen, Hari Balakrishnan, Frans Kaashoek, and Robert Morris, Resilient Overlay Networks, ACM SOSP 2001.
Florin Dobrian, Vyas Sekar, Asad Awan, Ion Stoica, Aditya Ganjam, Dilip Joseph, Jibin Zhan, Hui Zhang, Understanding the Impact of Video Quality on User Engagement, ACM SIGCOMM 2011.
A. Ganjam et al, C3: Internet-Scale Control Plane for Video Quality Optimization, NSDI 2015.
Xiao Sophia Wang, Aruna Balasubramanian, Arvind Krishnamurthy, and David Wetherall, How Speedy is SPDY?, NSDI 2014.
Data Center Networking
Albert Greenberg, Navendu Jain, Srikanth Kandula, Changhoon Kim, Parantap Lahiri, Dave Maltz, Parveen Patel, and Sudipta Sengupta, VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network, ACM SIGCOMM 2009.
Farrington et al, Helios: A Hybrid Electrical/Optical Switch Architecture for Modular Data Centers, ACM SIGCOMM 2010.
M. Alizadeh et al, CONGA: Distributed Congestion-Aware Load Balancing for Datacenters, ACM SIGCOMM 2014.
Gao et al, RDMA over Commodity Ethernet at Scale, ACM SIGCOMM 2016.
Network verification, sythesis and repair
Khurshid et al, VeriFlow: Verifying Network-Wide Invariants in Real Time, NSDI 2013.
Aaron Gember-Jacobson, Raajay Viswanathan, Aditya Akella, Ratul Mahajan, Fast Control Plane Analysis Using an Abstract Representation, SIGCOMM 2016.
Kausik Subramanian, Loris D' Antoni, Aditya Akella, Genesis: Synthesizing Forwarding Tables in Multi-tenant Networks, POPL 2017.
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