The Future of Networking, and the Past of Protocols
Is SDN the right solution?
Talk is not about what SDN is, but why SDN is
Key to Internet success: layers
Multiple layers of networking
The importance of layerings
Decomposed delivery to fundamental components
It enables independent but compatible innovation at each layer
SDN <--> Internet
An amazing success but an academic failure
Build an artifact, not a discipline
Other fields in "systems": OS, DB, etc.
Teach basic principles
Are easily managed
Continue to evolve
Teach big bags of protocols
No principles to teach lol !
Notoriously difficult to manage
Evolves very slowly
Why does networking lag behind?
Networks used to be simple
IP is incredibly simple protocol, ethernet...
New control requirements led to great complexity
Fortunately, the infrastructure still works...
Only because of your great ability to master complexity
Lowest level (how much you have to keep in your head)
The ability to master complexity is both a blessing and a curse
A simple story about complexity
~1985: Don Norman
Talks about user interfaces and stick shifts
Stick shift! None of you should manage the interface!
The ability to master complexity is not the same as the ability to extract simplicity
When first getting systems to work: focus on mastering complexity
When making system easy to use and understand: focus on extracting simplicity
What is the point
Networking has never made the distinction
And therefore has never made the transition
Still focused on mastering complexity
Little emphasis on extracting simplicity from control plane
Intellectual foundations
Necessary for creating a discipline
Other example: programming
Machine language
OS and other abstraction
Modern langauges: object orietnation, garbage collection
The power of abstraction
"Modularity based on abstraction is the way things get done" - Barbara Liskov
Abstractions --> Interfaces --> Modularity
What can we do in Networking
Layering: only deal with the data plane
We have no powerful control plane abstractions
How do we find those abstractions
Define our problem, and then decompose it
The network control problem
Compute the configuration of each physical device (e.g. forwarding tables, ACLs)
Operate without communication guarantees (e.g. fields in packet headers, losses)
Operate within given network-level protocol
Only people who love complexity would find this a reasonable request
Programming analogy
What if programmers had to: specify where each bit was stored; explicitly deal with all internal communication errors; within a programming language with limited expressibility
Programmers would redefine problem: higher level abstraction for memory, build on reliable communication abstractions, use a more general language
Abstractions divide problem into tractable pieces: make task of control program easier
From requirements to abstractions
Operate without communication guarantees
Need an abstraction for distributed states
Shield mechanisms from vagaries of distributed state
While allowing access to this state
Natural abstraction: global network view
Annotated network graph provided through an API
Control mechanism is now program using API
No longer a distributed protocol, now just a graph algorithm
E.g. Use Dijkstra rather than Bellman-Ford
"logically centralized"
Compute the configuration of each physical device
Need an abstraction that simplifies configuration
Network virtualization
E.g. "access control"
A can or cannot happen to B: don't care about switches
Operate within given network-level protocol
Need an abstraction for general forwarding model
Abstraction should not constrain control program
But it should hide details of underlying hardware
Crucial for evolving beyond vendor-specific things
One sentence
SDN is defined precisely by these three abstractions: distribution, forwarding, configuration
SDN can be derived from decomposing network control
Fundamental validity and general applicability
Realizing these abstractions
Core challenge
Make distributed control problem a logically centralized one
Design a common distribution layer
Gathers information from network elements (topology)
Disseminates control commands to network elements
This is done by network operating system
Traditional control mechanisms
Major change in paradigm
No longer designing distributed control protocols
Now just defining a centralized control function: configuration = function(view)
This spells the end for distributed protocols
Easier to write, reason about, and maintain
Beginning of "software era" of networking
Rate of change, nature of standards, different culture, etc.
Other challenges
Requires a shared control layer
Map abstract configuration to physical configuration
Add network virtualization layer
Forwarding abstraction
Switches have two brians: management cpu (smart but slow), forwarding asic (fast but dumb)
Need a forwarding abstraction for both
CPU abstraction can be almost anything
ASIC abstraction is much more subtle: OpenFlow
All this assumes switches are unit of abstraction
Why not fast, cheap fabrics? (in datacenters)
Keep in mind
OpenFlow: of is a detail in the overall SDN architecture
Crucial for industry; but minor piece architecturally
Don't let the tail wag the dog
Dog: clean separation of concerns
Control program: specify behavior on abstract model
Driven by operator requirements
Network virtualization: map abstract model to global view
Driven by specification abstraction
NOS: map global view to physical switches
API: driven by distributed state abstraction
Switch / fabric interface: driven by forwarding abstractions
SDN: value proposition
build ecosystem that we can have progress going on in all pieces
maintain an overall coherent system
Final words
Future of networking lies in finding right abstractions
The era of "a new protocol per problem" is over
Takes years to internalize and evaluate abstractions
Even longer to adjust to software-oriented culture
Early stages of an intellectual voyage
We should keep our minds open while charting our course
Last updated
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