Network-accelerated Distributed Machine Learning for Multi-Tenant Settings
ML is becoming ubiquitous in software industry
ML models are trained with large volumes of data typically over shared infrastructure
More compute cycles
Process lots of distributed data
But require frequent synchronization (i.e. SGD: after each 'iteration')
Parameter server: Google DistBelief, Microsoft Adam
Async v.s Sync
Key factors affecting performance of distributed ML training
Async v.s Sync SGD
Version of the model being updated v.s. used to update the gradients
Communication intensive
Compute update (~100ms)
Fetch model (~600ms)
R1: Reduce network load at the server
Stragglers affect convergence
Halving bandwidth on 10% --> 35% in iteration through convergence
R2: Bound delays in the presence of stragglers
Fault tolerance has huge overhead
Chain replication (every worker update forwards to replica)
Outgoing nic:
Carries both models to the workers
And model updates to the replica
Directly forward to replica
Asynchrony + stateful leads to inconsistency
R3: Non-divergent replication without server overhead
With PS architecture
Server NIC overload is a bottleneck for large models
Stragglers increase time per-iteration
MPI architecture
Ring reduce algorithms are typically use: but assume homogeneous network infrastructure
Compute & network stragglers increase time per-iteration
R4: bandwidth-aware aggregation
Existing works
Infrequent updates to the server
Workers aggregate locally, then transmit to server
But: cannot aggregate updates across multiple workers
Dropping delayed updates
updates: transmitted to the servers anyway, does not reduce the server load
No prior work
Hierarchical AllReduce, but assume static bandwidth setting
Prove bounded delay helps convergence
Network aware ordering and aggregation of updates
Helps bound delay
Reduce network load at parameter server
Model replication strategy
Guarantee bounded consistency b/w server and replica
Network aware ordering and aggregation of updates
Re-ordering updates
Buffering updates
Bounded delay (R2) at the cost of stale read
Time-shared schedules
Update scheduled for later can be aggregated off-server
SJF + Time-sharing satisfies R1 and R2
Ordering and Aggregation algorithm
Scheduler batches transfer requests to server
Information: model version, size of the update, norm of gradients
Orders them iteratively in SJF fashion to server
Completion time is determined in network aware fashion
State update in each iteration
Update that cannot meet deadline are dropped
Queued updates are grouped, aggregated and then sent to server
Minimize total completion time
Aggregator is chosen randomly
DML: compute and network contention, resulting in stragglers
Current system takes too simplistic a view of the network (having either fixed bandwidth between all the workers or as a blackbox with unknown inter-worker bandwidth)
ML-fabric: contention-aware DML system
order transfers to improve convergence
opportunistically aggregates them at idle DML workers to improve resource efficiency
replicates them to support new notions of fault tolerance
systematically account for compute stragglers and network contention
implemented as a communication layer between DML applications and AllReduce libraries
Key idea
Control update delays
transfer available updates at non-overlapping times, reserving bandwidth per update, and explicitly ordering them
worker's delay = the difference between the server model version a worker pulled and computed on, versus the server model version at the time the worker's compute gradient is applied
Dynamically aggregating or dropping updates
Replicating updates for fault tolerance
Last updated
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