A Deep Reinforcement Learning Perspective on Internet Congestion Control
Internet congestion control: one of the most fundamental and challenging problems in communication networks
Determines what you get out of the internet
At what rate data goes in
Always running on every connection
With no prior knowledge
Water pipe
How fast do we send the data?
Too slow: harm performance
Too fast: overflow the pipe
Internet CC
Very limited information, massive agent churn, enormous, dynamic, complicated network
CC revisited
Default algorithm: transmission control algorithm (TCP)
Motivating deep RL
CC protocol
Locally-perceived history of feedback: loss rates, latency
On the other end: next sending rate
Hypothesis: this feedback contains information about patterns that can improve the choice of sending rates
RL formulation
Goal: maximize the cumulative reward
Agent observe the state, new action in the environment, output a reward
NN: agent, and simulator for the environment
Observe state, based on locally-perceived feedback
Monitor interval: send ratio, latency ration, latency inflation
Keep design choice: scale-free observations affect robustness
3-layer NN
Rate change factor
Very simple simulated network
Each episode chooses different link parameters
Entire training platform: PCC-RL
Real-World testing setup
Real packets in linux kernel network emulation
Using inference only
Allowing faster adaptation
Still producing state-of-the-art results
Last updated
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