SENSEI: Aligning Video Streaming Quality with Dynamic User Sensitivity
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Network bandwidth is insufficient for desirable QoE
Goal: better QoE for more users given limited bandwidth
Conventional wisdom
Treat video chunks equally when the player choose bitrate for chunks
Key insight: users have different quality sensitivity to the chunks
Different quality tolerance to rebuffering
Quality sensitivity varies with video content! (different degree of attention to different parts of videos)
Demonstrate high variability of quality sensitivity in real videos
QoE drop could vary > 110% for 50% videos!
Opportunity: large variability enables us to trade off insensitive chunks for sensitive ones
Quantify this quality sensitivity reliably
Leverage this quality sensitivity to improve adaptive video streaming
Incorporating quality sensitivity into a QoE model
Traditional QoE model: sum of QoE estimate of individual chunks
In SENSEI: reweight the chunks by their quality sensitivity in a QoE model
How to capture content-dependent quality sensitivity?
Strawman: directly use video saliency models
Pixel-motion-based models, e.g., AMVM
Interestingness score models, e.g., Video2Gif, DSN
However, the purposes of the saliency models do not align with quality sensitivity
Idea: directly ask for quality sensitivity by crowdsourcing
Directly link video quality to QoE
Worth the cost for popular on-demand videos
High cost to evaluate every chunk and every type of low-quality event
Idea: coarse quality sensitivity
Group chunks that might have similar quality sensitivity
Zoom in the representative chunks in each group
Two step scheduling
Step 1: identify chunks that share weights
Step 2: zoom in the representative chunks to get the weight
Response reliability affecting the QoE model accuracy
Challenge: crowdsourcing workers might provide random responses
Quality control scheme:
Engagement test, control questions, randomized video order, use Master Turkers
More reliable responses make higher accuracy of the QoE model
Not support live-video streaming
Protect quality sensitive video chunks
New action: lower the quality of insensitivity chunks to get high quality for sensitive chunks
Dataset: 16 videos
Baseline ABR algorithms: Fugu, Pensive, BBA (buffer-based)
Sensei achieves higher QoE
Sensei can save bandwidth
Observation: for viewers, quality sensitivity varies as video content changes
Key idea: embrace variability of quality sensitivity by sensitivity weights obtained via per-video crowdsourcing
SENSEI improves video QoE by 15.1% or save bandwidth by 26.8% on average with a cost of $31.4 per min video
Some take-aways and questions:
The key insight is the content-dependent dynamic quality sensitivity
Approach: separate crowdsourcing experiment for each video to derive the quality sensitivity of users at different parts of the video
Dynamically align higher (lower) quality with higher (lower) sensitivity period
Compare to prior works
Recent adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms: near-optimal balance between bitrate and rebuffering events
Recent video codecs: improve encoding efficiency but require more compute power
New trends: better tradeoffs between bandwidth usage and user-perceived QoE