Beyond Jain's Fairness Index: Setting the Bar For The Deployment of Congestion Control Algorithms
Key idea: deploy new congestion control algorithms on the Internet
Deployment threshold: inter-CCA
What happens when a new CCA is deployed on a network with flows using some legacy CCA. Is the new CCA impact on the status quo acceptable?
Past effort: "fairness", "friendliness"
Fair: if it maximizes every users utility function given limited link capacity
End host CCA, with users as flows, aim to maximize utility per-flow by ensuring every flow sharing the same bottleneck link gets equal bandwidth
Looking at the throughput ratio between competing CCAs or by computing Jain's Fairness Index (JFI)
[1: perfectly meeting expected fair allocation; 0: unfair]
Does not account for the demand of each job: amount of resources a flow uses when operating in absence of contention
Thus look at Max-min fairness
Ideal-Driven Goalposting: impractically high requirements (Cubic is not even fair to itself!)
Throughput-Centricity: ignore other important figures of merit for good performance, such as latency, flow completion time, or loss rate.
Assumption of balance: fairness metric cannot tell whether the outcome is biased for or against the status quo.
I.e. Jain's Fairness Index: equal score to --> "takes" and "leaves" larger share
status quo: whether or not the new algorithm damages the performance of existing traffic
Mimicry: new algorithms replicate properties of TCP-Reno (e.g., driving throughput as a function of the loss rate) in order to be 'friendly' to legacy, Reno-derived TCPs
Binds new algorithms to repeating the often undesirable idiosyncrasies of Reno
Now: advocate for new approach --> limiting harm caused by the new algorithm on the status quo
More practical, future proof, and handles a wider range of quality metrics
Limitation of fairness
Assumption of Balance: values the performance outcome of both the new CCA and the existing, deployed CCA
Beta: most users use
Alpha: brand new algoithm
It should be perfectly acceptable to deploy alpha if alpha is the one receiving unfair treatment - no users other than user A, who chose to use alpha, would be impacted negatively
Limitation of Mimicry:
Two mimicry based approaches are
TCP-Friendly Rate Control (TFRC)
p: the link loss rate
describes TCP Reno's average sending rate over time
RTT-biased Allocation
grant more throughput to connections with low RTTs than to hose with higher RTTs
Binds new algorithms to replicate the often undesirable idiosyncrasies of the deployed CCA
TFRC limit new CCAs to achieve high throughput
RTT-based: RTT-based algorithm might be better?
1: maximally harmful, 0: harmless
x = demand
y = performance after introduction of a competitor connection
Harm is
Status-quo biased
If the amount of harm caused by flows using a new algorithm α on flows using an algorithm β is within a bound derived from how much harm β flows cause other β flows, we can consider α deployable alongside β.
Worse case bounded harm might have some problems: falling to the lowest common denominator (too loose)
Equivalent bounded harm: focus on a pair of workload w and w* in a legacy network where all services using beta. We want to switch the service with workload w* to use alpha. With equivalent bounded harm, alpha would be acceptable iff (alpha, w*) does no more harm to (beta, w) than (beta, w*) would
Too strict to serve as a threshold
Symmetric bounded harm
'do unto other flows as you would have other flows do to you'
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