AdaptSize: Orchestrating the Hot Object Memory Cache in a Content Delivery Network
CDN Caching Architecture
Users, content providers, CDN is a layer in between (caching servers which store the popular objects)
Two caching levels
Disk Cache (DC): slower
Hot Object Cache (HOC): in memory, faster
HOC performance metric: object hit ratio = # of reqs served by HOC / tot # reqs
Goal: maximize OHR
Prior approaches to cache management
Frequent decisions required
What to admit
Admit all the requests into the cache
What to evict: most of the prior work
Mixtures of LRU / LFU
Concurrent LRU (boost caching system throughput)
We are missing a key issue
Not all objects are the same (object size distribution)
9 orders of magnitude of variability
Should we admit every object?
HOC is small. Favor what? How to do it well?
Academic works (equal sizes)
Size-aware admission
Fixed size threshold: admit if size < Threshold c
How to pick c? Pick c to maximize OHR
The c is different at different times (morning, noon, evening)
The best threshold changes with the traffic mix
Probabilistic admission
High admission probability for small objects, low admission probability for large objects
But many curves, which curve makes big difference (adapt c)
The AdaptSize Caching System: focus on admission to the cache, and continuously adapts the parameter of size-aware admission
Adapt with traffic, adapt with time
Take traffic measurements --> calculate the best c --> enforce admission control
Red, green, and blue curve in the evening
Delta interval, fnid the best c within each delta interval
Traditional approach
Hill climbing: local optima on OHR-vs-c curve
AdaptSize approach: Markov model to predict the curve, enables speedy global optimization
How AdaptSize gets the OHR-vs-c curve
Markov chain
Track IN/OUT for each object
IN: hit, OUT: miss
For every delta interval and for every value of c
Use Markov chain to solve for OHR(c)
Find c to maximize OHR
Why hasn't this been done? too slow with exponential state
New technique: approximation with linear state space
Implementing AdaptSize
Incorporated into Varnish
Highly concurrent HOC system, 40+ Gbits / s
Take traffic measurements --> calculate the best c --> enforce admission control
1) Concurrent write conflicts: 40% requests concentrate on 1% object
2) Locks too slow
AdaptSize: producer/consumer + ring buffer, lock-free implementation
AdaptSize: admission is very simple
Given c, and the object size
Admit with P(c, size): probability
Enables lock free & low overhead implementation
Clients: replay Akamai requests trace
HOC systems: 1.2 GB, 16 threads
unmodified Varnish: admit everything, evict based on concurrent LRU
NGINX cache: frequency filter to admit, LRU to evict
Also evaluate robustness of AdaptSize
Artificial traffic mix changes
Size-aware OPT: offline parameter tuning
AdaptSize: our Markovian tuning model
HillClimb: local-search using shadow queues
Goal: maximize OHR of the Hot Object Cache
Approach: size-based admission control
Key insight: need to adapt parameter c
AdaptSize: adapts c via a Markov chain
Result: 48-92% higher OHRs
Paper: throughput, disk utilization, byte hit ratio, request latency
Last updated
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