Distributed Snapshots: Determining Global States of Distributed Systems
Setup: 分布式snapshot算法,使用:apache flink, apache spark (structured streaming), ray
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Setup: 分布式snapshot算法,使用:apache flink, apache spark (structured streaming), ray
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Some examples that worth visit again: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall16/cos418/docs/P8-chandy-lamport.pdf
Problem: detecting global states
Which in terms help solve: "stable property detection" problem, e.g. "computation has terminated", "system is deadlocked", "all tokens in a token ring has disappeared"
Can also be used for checkpointing
Propose an algorithm by which a process in a distributed system determines a global state of the system during a computation
A process can record its own state and the messages it sends and receives, nothing else
No share clocks or memory
To determine a global system state, a process p must enlist the cooperation of other processes that must record their own local states and send the recorded local states to p
Problem: algorithms by which processes record their own states and the states of communication channels so that the set of processes and channel states recorded from a global system state
MUST run concurrently with, but not alter the underlying computation
Don't stop sending the messages, don't stop the application
Example: taking photographies of migrating birds
Define a class of problem
for a global state S of D (distributed system)
y is a stable property of D if implies for all global states of D reachable from global state of D
i.e. if y is a stable property and y is true at a point in a computation of D, then y is true at all later points in that computation
The problem of initiating the next phase of computation is not considered here
Labeled, directed graphs
Vertices: processes
Defined by a set of states, an initial state, and a set of events
1) The process p in which the event occurs
2) The state s of p immediately before the event
3) The state s' of p immediately after the evetn
4) The channel c (if any) whose state is altered by the event
5) The message M, if any, sent along c (if c is a channel directed away from p) or received along c (if c is directed towards p)
1) The state of process p in global state S is s
and 2) if c is a channel directed towards p, then the state of c in global state S is a sequence of messages with M at its head
Edges: channels
State = sequence of messages sent along the channel, excluding the messages received along the channel
Channel: infinite buffers, error-free, delivery messages in the order sent
A global state is a set of component process and channel states
Initial global state: state of each process is its initial state and the state of each channel is the empty sequence
Example 1
State transition illustration (four states: in-p, in-c, in-q, in-c')
Motivation, outline, termination
How do global state recording algorithms work?
Each process: record its state
Two processes that a channel is incident on cooperate in recording the channel state
Require the recorded process and channel states form a "meaningful" global system state
Example of transition
One scenario: inconsistency arises because the state of p is recorded before p sent a message along c and the state of c is recorded after p sent the message
n = number of msgs sent along c before p's state is recorded
在 p 的状态记录之前,p 发往channel c的msg数
n' = number of msgs sent along c before c's state is recorded
在 c 的状态记录之前,p 发往channel c的msg数
the recorded global state may be inconsistent if n < n'
两个token的情况: p的状态记录在in-p中,其他的状态记录在in-c中
n = 0, n' = 1?
Another scenario: state of c is recorded in global state in-p, the system then transits to global state in-c, and the states of c', p, and q are recorded in global state in-c
The recorded global state shows no token in the system
Example suggests that the recorded global state may be inconsistent if the state of c is recorded before p sends a message along c and the state of p is recorded after p sends a message along c, that is, n > n'
Let m be the number of messages received along c before q's state is recorded.
Let m' be the number of messages received along c before c's state is recorded
I.e. # of msgs received along a channel cannot exceed the # of msgs sent along that channel in every state
Channel要记录的state = list of msgs sent along the channel before the sender's state is recorded - list of msgs received along the channel before the receiver's state is recorded
(1) - (4) suggests a simple algorithm by which q can record the state of channel c
Process p sends a special message, called a marker, after the nth message it sends along c
The state of c is the sequence of messages received by q after q records its own state and before q receives the marker along c
To ensure (4), q must record its state, if it has not done so already, after receiving a marker along c and before q receives further messages along c
can be done by one or more processes, each of which records its state spontaneously, without receiving markers from other processes
Marker-sending rule for a process p: for each channel c, incident on, and directed away from p
p sends one marker along c after p records its state and before p sends further messages along c
p records its state and prepares a special marker message (differ from the application message)
p sends the marker message to all other processes (using N-1 outbound channels), in this case, only q
Marker-receiving rule for a process q: on receiving a marker along a channel c
If not receive the marker message for the first time
Add all messages from inbound channels since we began recording to their states
Termination of the algorithm
Need to ensure that
(L1) no marker remains forever in an incident input channel
(L2) it records its states within finite time of initiation of the algorithm
All processes have received a marker (and recorded their own state)
All processes have received a marker on the N - 1 incoming channels (and recorded their states)
Later, a central server can gather the partial state to build a global snapshot
Casual consistency
Related to the Lamport clock partial ordering
An event is presnapshot if it occurs before the local snapshot on a process
Postsnapshot if afterwards
If event A happens casually before event B, and B is pre-snapshot, then A is too
Also assume no failures on the channels? All messages arrive, no duplicate, in order and such?
Too strong assumptions could reduce the deployability of the algorithm?
What if the markers are lost? Retransmission? In-correct ordering?
What if the topology is dynamically changing
How fast does it take to form a global state? (with all the mechanisms of snapshotting, collecting, and putting together states from different components)
Centralized controller seem to be more easy to implement and reason about
An event in a process is an atomic action that may change the state of itself and the state of at most one channel incident on
Event is defined by
M and c are a special symbol, , if the occurrence of e does not change the state of any channel
Event can occur in global state if and only if
= global state immediately after the occurrence of event e in global state S
= a sequence of events in component processes
computation of the system iff can occur in global state
Thus, a consistent global state requires (1)
(2) : 与之前的分析相同
Start recording all incoming messages from channels for j not equal to i