CS 268 (Adv Network)
How to read a paper
Reading paper
Sylvia's advice: do not overthink it, just read it from start to end in depth
Phase 1: Understanding --> Questions to answer
What problems are they solving?
In 1-2 sentences
Replay their motivating arguments
Do they make sense
Replay how their solution works for a simple example
Can you? If not, go back to step 1
Phase 2: Critiquing
Is the problem important? ambitious? hard? having a long-shelf-life?
Is the solution effective? Under what conditions does it break?
What other approaches are possible?
Reviewing paper
Review is not a summary
A typical format of the review
What is the problem being addressed?
Do you believe that the problem is / was important?
Explain your thinking
Consider context
What is the solution's main insight (nugget)?
Do you think the solution is a good one? (strengths and weakness) --> explain
Did you enjoy the paper?
Reading list
Intro and course overview
Robert E. Kahn and Vinton Cerf 2004 ACM A.M. Turing Award Lecture
Internet Architecture
Beyond best-effort / Unicast
Background reading
Advanced Reading
Congestion Control
XCP Sections 1-3
Datacenter Networking
SDN: context
SDN: practice
BGP Security
Programmable Networks
RMT Sections 1-3
Datacenter Congestion Control
WAN Congestion Control
P2P Networking
Net sw
Low latency
Last updated
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